Scholarship Searches

Students can find many wonderful scholarships at the websites below!

TIP: Visit the Financial Aid and Scholarship pages of the colleges/programs you are interested in. They often have their own Scholarships listed you can apply for, as well as their own Scholarship search engines. For an example, see Marshall University's Scholarship page below!

Click Here to view Marshall University Scholarships

Students must be admitted to Marshall University before they can be eligible for these scholarships.

**The sooner you apply for the Marshall University scholarships the better! The first round of scholarships close January 31, 2021!

Above is the general link where students can see lots of things about their possibilities for aid.

“Find Private Scholarships” is what you want to click on. Before doing so, you can watch the video right below the link that gives you an overview of the portal.

The link below takes you to the Scholarship Portal:

If you ARE NOT admitted you can “Search MU Scholarships” and apply for admissions by clicking “MU Admissions”

If you ARE admitted, you can click “Marshall University Scholarship Log-In”—that will prompt you for your username and password.

Scholarship Search Engines

College for West Virginia Scholarship Search (CFWV) - You can create a profile and search for scholarships that match your profile! This is also a great page that can allow you to take personality tests to match you to various careers among other wonderful tools.

College for West Virginia: This site lists many links and information on scholarships and grants such as the PROMISE, WV Higher Education Grant, WV Invests, among many others. It also provides financial aid information by career interest such as STEM, Education, Nursing, etc.

Student Scholarships Website - Hosts the largest collection of Scholarships on the web!

Cool Cash For College! - Visit and find out how you could win free money or awesome prizes just for filling out your FAFSA and applying for the Promise Scholarship!